Wellness with Fiona

What is a Wellness Consultation?

Wellness and lifestyle medicine consultations involve assessment of the factors that impact health, discussion of testing that can give information about causes behind symptoms, and options for treatments to help resolve underlying dysfunctions and manage symptoms. 

Understanding why you have a symptom and what that represents allows the patient and doctor to start working on solutions that actually take the symptom go away, not just cover it up. There are many factors that contribute to a body, mind and soul that are not in harmony, discovering the causes can create opportunities to take action and make changes that lead to improved health outcomes. 

What does it include?

Areas covered in a wellness consult include:

Chronic health conditions 

Chronic pain 

Gut complaints 

Musculoskeletal complaints 

Skin complaints 

Hormone complaints (Women and Male hormone optimisation is available) 

Adrenal complaints 

Neurological complaints 

Oncological complaints 

Children's health 

Nutrition optimisation and nutrient deficiencies 

Circadian rhythm optimisation 

Mental health complaints 

Dr Fiona Medicann Clinics

Get to know Fiona

Our modern world is a place that doesn’t always set us up for the best health. Trying to keep up with the demands of all that we are required to do to simply exists leaves many of us wondering why we have a list of symptoms that seems to grow. My personal motivation to study medicine was a simple wish to help others which has continued to shape the way I understand health and what it means to thrive as a human on this journey called life.

I have a strong interest in understanding why we develop dysfunction and how to  restore the “ease” that becomes “dis-ease” when we are unwell. Being a parent has allowed me to grow and accept things I would not previously have ever thought possible which has expanded my approach to medicine. There are simple ways to improve health that are often overlooked or not considered important enough to bother with, just as there are highly complex ideas that take time and nuance to navigate. I aim to provide as many options as possible to allow the patient to see what works with their body, mind and soul and fits the context of their life. I also love helping assist with children’s health as this can be a confusing area for many parents with so many challenges.

If you are looking for compassion and understanding with a personalised approach to your health then I would be happy to help. I will always aim to assist you to make the best of your opportunities to be well, and this sometimes means referral to other modalities, trial of treatments, medications, natural therapies or lifestyle and dietary interventions. I like to suggest a combination of all sorts of things like targeted nutrition  (eg for sports, women’s health, weight management), supplements (pharmaceuticals and natural), lifestyle modifications (circadian health, quantum medicine), herbs (teas, topicals, capsules), physical (light or heavy exercises, physiotherapy, massage, light therapy, relaxation)  and psychological (psychotherapy, talk therapy, lifestyle coaching, spiritual therapy) treatments and am always open to suggestions to other treatments that patients may find helpful.

If you want to know more about me, I live with my husband, two young children and we experience the usual life challenges any family has! We love being outdoors, playing, laughing and eating- kids seem to be constantly hungry for some reason! I have subjected them to many health “experiments” and they are happy and healthy because of the time and effort I put in to nourishing their body mind and soul.

Book a session.